From the site: Women in myth and legends.


SURNAME  :  de MOLINA  married in the SANFELICE family

PHYSICAL  DESCRIPTION  :  Brown, wavy hair, not  too tall, tumid lips.

THE PERIOD  :  Late 18th century

PLACES  : Palazzo Mastelloni in Naples

THE  FACTS : Luisa’s father is a Spanish nobleman, but Luisa is not very rich even if she tries to live in a plenty. At the age of 17, Luisa marries a very young boy, her cousin Andrea, son of the Duke of Laureano named Gennaro DELLI MONTI SANFELICE. Andrea belongs to a noble family but he’s not heir nor of the title of duke neither of the wealth of the dukedom, which go to his older brothers. Andrea and Luisa get married because of a very strong love, specially physical.

The two young people lead a life which is too expensive compared with their real money possibilities : she always buys expensive clothes, hats and organizes parties; on the other hand he signs draft without having a penny. In this way Luisa and Andrea are soon overwhelmed by debts.

Luisa’s mother, Camilla Salinero, as already done in the past, writes a letter to the king Ferdinando asking him to help the young couple, even in the consideration that they have got three children. But king Ferdinando decides to help them not by paying the debts as he has done in the past, but ordering that the three children are to be closed in three different monasteries, while Luisa and Andrea are sent to Laureana, near Salerno, which is a dukedom of a relative of Andrea’s. But to Luisa and Andrea that very small town is too boring,so they move out not too far, that is Agropoli, the dukedom of another relative of Andrea’s . In the meantime the first crises in the marriage start.

It is 1789, the couple has spent two years between Laureana and  Agropoli, but they still have the habit of wasting a lot of money. Consequently, the king is very angry and he decides to separate the couple for one year. After one year Luisa and Andrea would meet again in Salerno under the tutelage of Michele Sanfelice, Andrea’s half-brother. But due to the fact Luisa is pregnant, Michele says that it is not possible to take care even of the baby. So Luisa will go to give birth to her child into a monastery in Monte Corvino and she will be there all the time needed. She remains in the monastery for three years but nobody will know anything about her baby.

In 1792 Luisa escapes from the monastery with the help of Andrea; they go to Naples but they are forced to hide to avoid the anger of the king. But very soon they realize the king doesn’t care about them because he’s got more serious problems such as that of the Jacobins. The Jacobines are people who, inspiring to the ideas of the French Revolution, want to abolish the monarchy to establish the republican government.

Luisa and Andrea living in their house in Palazzo Mastelloni in Largo Carità. As always they spend a lot of money so they have got lot of debts again; the creditors denounce Andrea who should go into prison but he’s saved, once again, by his relatives.  Meanwhile the marriage between Andrea and Luisa is at the end.

It is 1797. They live in the same house but separately. From the end of the marriage ( 1797 ) until 1799 Luisa meets many people in her house. She hates lowliness. Among the new friends, there are Vincenzo Cuoco ( a young lawyer ), Ferdinando Ferri ( another young lawyer ), and the young Gerardo Baccher. These three men are all Luisa’s lovers even if she is in love with Ferdinando Ferri. On the other hand is seriously in love with Luisa. However, the three are conscious that Luisa opens the doors of her bedroom to all of them.

In 1799 some important events happen in the Kingdom of Naples, the French advance, the escape of the king Ferdinando and Queen Carolina to Sicily, the strong battle of the ‘LAZZARI’ defending Naples ( lazzari are people not rich defending the king ), the capitulation of Naples, the birth of the Neapolitan Republican which lasts from 21st January to the 13th June. But  people supporting the monarchy organizes several riots against the republican government. One of this is “ Baccher’s Conspiracy “, organized by the Bacchers and even by Gerardo Baccher. So Gerardo Baccher is a loyalist. All his companions decide to attack the Jacobins, the supporters of the Republicans. But how can the royalist be distinguished by the Jacobins and  avoid any sort of violence? The royalists will have a special permission, a sort of pass, a document to be saved from the violence of the lazzari. Gerardo thinks that even Luisa needs the pass so he delivers her the card. Luisa doesn’t know and doesn’t care about the political problems of Naples, but for the first time, receiving the pass from Gerardo, she is approached to the political events. She doesn’t care about who is a royalist and who is a republican, and just in that moment she realizes that Gerardo Baccher is a royalist and he is preparing a conspiracy against the republicans.

After receiving the pass from Gerardo, Luisa starts to be worried about the man she loves, that is Ferdinando Ferri. She makes a very generous deed; in fact  Luisa decides to give her pass to Ferdinando Ferri, to protect him from any possible troubles. When she delivers the pass to Ferdinando Ferri, she realizes he is a republican, so he is Gerardo Baccher’s enemy. In this way Luisa reveals to the republicans that the royalists are preparing a conspiracy. But, courageously, she doesn’t betray Gerardo Baccher, in fact she doesn’t reveal the name of the person she got the pass from. Ferdinando Ferri reveals everything to his republican friend Vincenzo Cuoco and together they decide to denounce Luisa. Her lovers denounce her!! Luisa is interrogated by the police but she doesn’t reveal the name of Gerardo Baccher even if he is arrested because other people reveal that he is one of the organizers of the conspiracy. In the meantime Lady Eleonora Pimentel de  Fonseca writes an article on the newspaper “ il Monitore Napolitano “. She considers Luisa as an heroine, who has avoided the attack of the royalists. When king Ferdinando, in Sicily, reads the article, he becomes very angry, How is possible that Luisa, many times helped by the king, decides to help the republicans?

But the Republican government is defeated by the king’s forces so the royal revenge starts. The king orders that Luisa is arrested and then he decides for her death. Many republican people are killed after the order of the king : they are executed in Piazza Mercato. So Luisa is imprisoned waiting for the trial; but her condemnation to death is confirmed. Her mother suggests her to act as a pregnant woman, and even a doctor, Antonio Villari, tries to help her confirming her pregnancy. In this way Luisa has at her disposal nine months more during which the king could change idea about her death. In the meantime she is sent to Palermo ( Sicily ) because the king wants his personal doctor to visit her to be sure about her pregnancy. In Palermo the trick is revealed and once more the king confirms her condemnation. Princess Maria Clementina, king Ferdinando’s daughter in law, asks him a favour as a tradition allows, that is to save Luisa’s life, but the king doesn’t grant the favour. In the morning of 11 September 1800 she is moved out to the scaffold built for her in Piazza Mercato. None agrees with this execution, even because the period of the strong fights for the Republic is over. Killing her the year before, in 1799, perhaps could have been accepted, but now people cry because refuse Luisa’s death. The headsman pushes the victim on the block and lets the knife fall down; it hurts Luisa on her shoulders. She shouts. The headsman catches her and cuts her throat.


THE  MYTHLuisa is a fragile woman, closed in her small world, who seeks for love and finds some sorts of love; she looks for protection and finds ‘ protectors ‘, she abandons her children, her husband, overwhelmed by the events. But she still keeps a sort of innocence. When her private life gets in touch with the hard reality, the meeting becomes a  bigger and bigger crash. She will be punished for her husband’s mistakes, for her lovers’ mistakes ( Ferri and Cuoco ) . A very high price : the prisonery, the scaffold, the death.

She is considered as a heroine of the Neapolitan Revolution by Eleonora Pimentel de Fonseca, who writes about her on the newspaper “ MONITORE NAPOLITANO “. But she is not a heroine of the Revolution because she is not conscious of the political facts. The problem is that the Revolution needs to have some heroes. And when the king Ferdinando reads on the newspaper that Luisa is a heroine because she has revealed the royalist conspiracy, he is very angry and decides for her death. He will never know about her political ignorance. So Luisa is a false heroine of the Revolution, she is just a VICTIM.


From the site: Women in myth and legends.