This is Rob's 1978 C2, he brought it in
1984. As you see his bike have many different looks, Rob says: "I started to make changes right away, like removing the rear fender, and it's
been in a constant change ever since.
Currently, she is painted a Candy Apple Blue with Gold Stripe following the
stock lines.
She has been rebored one size over, with some porting to let her breath better.
A Kerker 4 into 1 helps on the exhaust end.
The clutch is a Cir-Cycle aftermarket. ATK fork brace up front, with Magnum
Progressive fork springs, Koni shocks on back.
I'm switching the Ign. over to an electronic ignition from a CSR650. She has had
a Dyna in as well over the years, and been back to points for a while. |
A Derale Oil Cooler has been on her most of her life, but just came off this
The brake rotors have been drilled for better wet stopping, and Stainless Steel
brake lines added, using DOT 5 brake fluid. The rear M/C is now from an '04
Suzuki GSXR600 as I've added the rersets as well.
The fairing currently on there is a Rickman fairing from the '70s. The chin
scoop is from a VF500.
A braced swingarm is in the works to be put on soon. "
Rob's nice C2 shows that a cared for
KZ650 will last for years and can mange all from touring to sport bike. |